Monday, October 27, 2014

Scarecrow & Tizer gardens

The original scarecrow

It finally feels like fall, my scarecrow has been out there for almost a week now. The other day the wind was so strong that his head rolled off, so he has a pumpkin head now. 

The leaves are falling all over him, as he stands still, like a stately person in a dark green sweater, a pair of denim shorts and a bright red flannel scarf. He is perfect for Halloween.

Last year, he has survived many a strong wind and a snow-fall. This remarkable scarecrow is standing right by the steps that lead to the front door of our house. Some people love him, some find him interesting while others think he is almost real.

To me, it is a sweet memory of Karishma, my niece who visited us, last September from India. When she had shown interest in going to the Scarecrow festival at Tizer gardens, I had wondered if it would be worth the trip. But then, Tizer Gardens is always a neat place to visit, so we went there. They had plenty of material to make scarecrows, tons of hay, piles of really good clothing, shirts, jackets, sweaters and pants, also a bunch of stakes, meant to form the frame of the scarecrow in another corner.

Karishma had thoroughly enjoyed crafting the scarecrow and dressing him up. It hadn’t taken her long to fashion his attire, as she instantly picked up denim shorts for fun, green striped shirt, and a green sweater – that soon was fashioned into a vest, with its sleeves cut off, one sleeve was thrust over the head to turn it into a nice smocking hat.  She had quickly sketched his face in a matter of seconds and a bright scrappy piece of red flannel was the perfect scarf.

Hanging flower basket
We managed to fit the scarecrow into the car trunk. Well! just about! Then we went around admiring the beauty of Tizer gardens. Those funny faces engraved on tree trunks, huge hanging flower baskets at the tree tops were interesting, the pathways, little rickety bridges, the uniquely- yet naturally shaped logs of wood, trees and branches strewn around the nooks and corners giving it the feel of a fantasy wonderland in the middle of a forest.

Rustic Cabins

Dried white flower Chandelier

The rustic log cabins are always fun to explore, one cabin with an adorable bed in the middle and two side tables, another cabin - full of old rusted pots, pans and kettles, the look and the décor belonging to a different era all together. The third cabin was our favorite, it had this amazing collection of dried plant arrangement hanging like a chandelier from the roof. It looked like sparkling white flowers. Karishma loved the look of the room and the roof in particular, she smiled her infectiously happy smile. The same smile, the same curiosity and the same interest in exploration... as when she was a two-year-old. 

She is an accomplished designer, while she has started her own fashion line of clothing – K.Kristina, I am perhaps the only lucky person to have an entire scarecrow created by her!!


Michelle said...

Wonderful memory! I like your scarecrow. said...

I normally don't like to store things and lug them out every season, but it is different with this scarecrow... it feels effortless :)

Susan said...

I can totally understand why you like your scarecrow! I kept the ones made by my kids in elementary school, and put them on display during the fall for many years, until they practically fell apart! said...

Mine already needs more hay and and a new arm :)